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Oklahoma Arts

Council Grants



Small Grant Support for Schools

All K-12 public and private, non-religious schools in Oklahoma can apply for Small Grant Support for Schools funds for eligible arts education programs that take place during the school day, after school, and during the summer. Individual schools are eligible for two grants of up to $2,500 per school year with a 10 percent cash match.

What types of projects are eligible for funding?

Arts education programming that takes place during the school day involving disciplines such as dance, literary arts, media arts, music, storytelling, theater, traditional, and visual arts. Programs must assess student learning.

What projects are not eligible for funding?

Capitol improvements, fundraisers, field trips

What expenses can be paid for using grant funds?

Fees for arts instruction, teaching resource materials and supplies (not to exceed 25 percent of the project cost)

What expenses cannot be paid for using grant funds?

Equipment, computers, software, cameras and/or other arts related hardware, food or beverages, awards such as ribbons, trophies and plaques, travel for students (including field trips), or as a substitution for regularly budgeted funds.

Funding limitations

Individual schools are eligible for two awards of up to $2500 per year. Schools must provide a cash match equaling 10 percent of their total project budget. Awards are subject to funds available.

Visit the e-Grant Login page to login or learn how to apply for a grant.

Arts in Schools

Arts in Education Grants

Nonprofit organizations, government entities, and public libraries can apply for grants of up to $2,500 to provide hands-on arts instruction and participation for K-12 students in Oklahoma public schools. Programs must take place in schools during normal school hours. (See Arts Learning in Communities Grants for programs that take place outside of normal school hours).

Who is eligible?

501 (c)(3) nonprofit organizations

City and county governments

Public libraries

Public school districts

Public universities

Tribal governments

What types of projects are eligible for funding?

Arts education programming involving disciplines such as dance, literary arts, media arts, music, storytelling, theater, traditional, and visual arts. Programs must assess student learning.

What projects are not eligible for funding?

Capital improvement projects, fundraisers, field trips. We cannot fund projects that involve fiscal agents.

What expenses can be paid for using grant funds?

Fees for arts instruction, teaching resource materials and supplies (not to exceed 25 percent of the project cost)

What expenses cannot be paid for using grant funds?

Equipment, computers, software, cameras and/or other arts related hardware, food or beverages, awards such as ribbons, trophies and plaques, travel for students (including field trips), or as a substitution for regularly budgeted funds.

How is funding determined?

Quality of grant application

Quality of program

Project budget - only project deficits are funded

Organization's funding history and level of organizational capacity (determines support category: Small, Major, or Organizational Support)

Number of underserved individuals served through the program

Amount of funding available from the Council

Funding is awarded at one of three levels:

  1. Small Grant Support

    1. All new applicants must apply in this category.

    2. Applicants are eligible for two grants of up to $2500 each fiscal year. Each grant requires a 1:1 cash match (half of the match may be in-kind support).

    3. Applications must be submitted at least 60 days before the start of a project.

  2. Major Grant Support

    1. Applicants must be invited by the Oklahoma Arts Council to be funded at this level.

    2. Applications must be submitted by February 15 for programs that take place from July 1 of the same year through June 30 of the following year.

    3. Applicants may receive funding for up to five projects each year. Projects may include a mix of Arts Learning in Communities, Community Arts or Arts Education programs.

    4. Grant amounts depend on the amount of funding the Oklahoma Arts Council receives from state and federal appropriations. Each grant requires a 1:1 cash match.

  3. Organizational Support

    1. Applicants must be invited by the Oklahoma Arts Council to be funded at this level. This level of support is only available to organizations that have demonstrated a high level of organizational capacity and arts programming.

    2. Applications are due March 1 every other year.

    3. Grant amounts are determined by a formula based on organization?s revenues, panel review score, and amount of funding available.

Visit the e-Grant Login page to login or learn how to apply for a grant.

Please Read:

We are sorry to inform you -- due to spending cuts from ASTA National, we are needing to temporarily suspend our mini grant awards. If you have any questions regarding this, or would like to see about ASTA-OK helping with future project funds, please email

Links to Online String and Music Resources

Please contact us regarding any organization oversights or omissions, and accept our apologies.


American Harp Society

American String Teachers Association

American Viola Society

Americans for the Arts

Chamber Music America

International Society of Bassists

International Viola Society

Internet Cello Society

League of American Orchestras

National Association for Music Education (MENC)

National Endowment for the Arts

Oklahoma Music Educators Association

Suzuki Association of the Americas

Youth Orchestras, Pre-College Programs, and Community Orchestras

Barthelmes Conservatory

Oklahoma Arts Institute

Oklahoma Center for Arts Education

Oklahoma Community Orchestra

Oklahoma Youth Orchestras (Harrison Academy)

OSU String Academy

Tulsa Youth Symphony

Tulsa Metro Youth Orchestra


Cameron University

East Central University

Eastern Oklahoma State College

Langston University

Metropolitan College

Mid-America Christian University

Murray State College

Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College

Northeastern State University

Northern Oklahoma College

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

Oklahoma Baptist University

Oklahoma Christian University

Oklahoma City University

Oklahoma Panhandle State University

Oklahoma State University-Main Campus

Oklahoma Wesleyan University

Oral Roberts University

Phillips Theological Seminary

Platt College

Rogers State University

Saint Gregorys University

Seminole State College

Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Southern Nazarene University

Southwestern Christian University

Southwestern Oklahoma State University

University of Central Oklahoma

University of Oklahoma Norman Campus

University of Tulsa

Western Oklahoma State College


Alexander Technique

American Music Conference

Bowed Radio

Classical Guitar


J. S. Bach Home Page

Mimi Zwieg String Pedagogy

Music Teaching Resources

Mutopia Project

Online Violin Tuner

Petrucci Music Library


The Violin Site

The Well-Tempered Musician

Viola Web Site

Violin Masterclass

Violinist in Balance

Virtual Sheet Music