Mark your calendars! February 22nd, 2025 ASTA-OK will host a live ASTACAP Exam! Registration will open December 1st, 2024 and close February 1st, 2025.
If you are interested in having your students enter the exam but need guidance, please feel free to reach out to ASTACAP Site Coordinator Meryl Geib, or 405-655-4131
2025 ASTACAP Examiners
Rob Bradshaw, cello
Anne Guvara, violin and viola
Robin Smith, violin and double bass
(Additional examiners may be recruited based on registration numbers)
Volunteers needed
We are looking for ASTA-OK members interested in volunteering on our ASTACAP committee or to help administer the exam! If you are interested please contact
Participating Teachers
Sarah Chan
Michele Contreras
Jackie Skara
Tess Remy
Gus Weaver
Ashley Cooper
Natalie Emrich
Samantha Kerns
Theodora Morris
Allison Taylor
Rebecca Bunch
The ASTA Certificate Advancement Program (ASTACAP) provides students with an incremental means of achieving playing goals, motivating them to persevere and excel in their instrument studies.
There are eleven levels of graded curricula for violin, viola, cello, bass, harp, and guitar.
The requirements and repertoire for each instrument are available on the ASTA National Website. Please be sure to have your ASTA user name and password available to gain access to these files.
ASTACAP provides definite goals and awards for all students, from beginner to advanced levels, through non-competitive examinations.
Students are judged on technical and musical preparedness at specific levels—Foundation Level through Level 10—by an examiner of musical and pedagogical stature.
Each level is defined by a set of technical and musical goals (for instance: starting vibrato, third position, sense of style), along with corresponding study material.
Completion of each level is demonstrated at a performance exam. The student plays one or more pieces, an etude, scales, and arpeggios. The student is also asked to sight read.
The student’s success is recognized by ASTA with the awarding of a Certificate of Achievement for each level successfully completed.
ASTACAP adjudicators include some of the most prominent musicians and teachers in the state.
Teachers of all traditions find that ASTACAP complements and strengthens their programs. As a result of its great success in several ASTA state chapters, it was adopted as a national program in 2004. Benefits to ASTACAP teachers and students include, but are not limited to:
Uniformity of expectations between states.
Continual feedback through an examiner’s comments on student progress.
Documentation of achievements that can be used when applying to youth orchestras, summer music camps, and college admission.
Professionally designed and printed certificates for students.
Member access to the ASTACAP handbook online. (PDF format.)
Access to a marketing brochure about the ASTACAP program to use for recruitment. (PDF format.)
Use of a specially designed ASTACAP logo for teachers to use on materials and cards.
Listing of participating teachers on the ASTA national website.
Meryl Geib
ASTACAP Site CoordinatorMeryl Geib earned her Bachelors of Music degree with distinction from the School of Music at the University of Nebraska. Her primary teachers include Dr. Tess Remy-Schumacher, Dr. Karen Becker, and Dr. Elizabeth Morrow. Mrs. Geib has played in orchestras, chamber groups, and early music ensembles throughout the USA and tours to Australia and Germany. Currently, she performs with Trio Antiqua, Brisch Center for Historical Performance, Geib Musik Duo, Dyberry Creek Music Festival and Painted Sky Opera. As an educator, Mrs. Geib is an active member and past president of the American String Teachers Association Oklahoma Chapter and currently maintains a large private studio. Her students have participated in the North Central Honors Orchestra, All-OMEA Orchestra, Oklahoma Youth Orchestras and the Oklahoma City Philharmonic's Society of Strings. Mrs. Geib was awarded 2019 ASTA-OK Teacher of the Year for her contribution to Oklahoma string education.